Monday, November 25, 2013

Facebook proves the agreement with Google

In a recent interview in Fortune, Mark Zuckerberg praised the strategy openwith Google Android and launched a dig at Apple.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook
After months of not-so-creeping wars, it seems that between Facebook and Google has a glimmer of understanding. Shortly after the failed attempts to break into the market of search by the equally inglorious Facebook and Google to excel in the field of social network Google+, the two giants are apparently converging on a zone which bears the name of Android.
A report is the same as Mark Zuckerberg , founder and CEO of Facebook, in an interview with Fortune , commenting on the recent launch of Facebook Home , stated:
"I think he Google within a couple of years, thanks to the opening of the Android platform, has a great opportunity to make us do things better than I now do not do with an iPhone. We would like to offer the same experience of Facebook on the iPhone Home just simply can not. We will continue to work with Apple doing what they can to offer the best social experience within the limits that Apple imposes. But I think that many people who love Facebook, and judging by the numbers are quite a few 'whereas about 50% of the time spent on smartphones is dedicated to Facebook, they want something different. "
Coming to Android, Zuckerberg said:
"Android is growing rapidly and we are very excited by the fact that the platform is open and leave us free to build around a fantastic experience of using Facebook. I think that in the end everything is a good thing for Google because it could encourage many users to choose an Android smartphone. "
Then, however, with caution, to avoid exposing too much to the side with which Apple has been working closely with Facebook to offer a deeper integration of the social network with iOS 6 and OS X Mountain Lion, Zuckerberg has softened the shot:
"Without a doubt, in a great many remain attached to their iPhone, as well as personally I do, but I'd like to see soon, even over there, Facebook Home."

A phrase that is a warning to Apple. As if to say that, perhaps, the model of forced closure which made the iOS market leader in operating systems for smartphones, in a few years could be overcome. And I thank you.
Post By : Chhoy Dany


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