Sunday, November 24, 2013

Some Apple Stores Will Set Aside iPad Air Units for Personal Pickup

Earlier this week we reported on a rumor that Apple Stores would be offering personal pickup for the iPad Air starting Nov. 1, giving consumers a chance to skip the lines and still grab a copy of the new tablet on launch day. 9to5Mac is now reporting that only some Apple Stores may offer the service, and even then supplies will be limited.
Apparently, Apple will set aside a certain number of iPad Air units to sell tomorrow morning before noon, while the remaining copies will be held for personal pickup and purchases later in the day. The new system is reportedly designed to ensure Apple fans can find copies of the tablet even if they don’t rush to buy one first thing Friday morning, though this new sales strategy doesn’t exactly mesh with the company’s usual preference towards frenzied product launches.
Last month when Apple released the iPhone 5s the new smartphone wasn’t available for pre-order or personal pickup, meaning the only way to pick one up on launch day was to wait in line, often overnight. The strategy proved a success, and CEO Tim Cook calling it launch its “most successful ever.” Apple probably isn’t expecting quite as much excitement over the iPad Air, and it sounds like tomorrow’s launch may be a little more laid back than last month’s.


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