Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Why Twitter is just a wasted opportunity

Was to mark the great revolution in 140 characters. But in that regard, it is little left.

Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter
Let's face it. We believed. We also overrated too. Twitter, the micro blogging father of the revolution, who suddenly finds herself coming to terms with the entropy generated by users of the platform. The result? The chaos. An uncontrollable disorder.A drift towards futile arguments, devoid of substance, devoid of any content of value.
The noise, that is. Much. A lot. Just take a look at the trending topic to realize the arguments that pull on the social network. Forget the suggestions from those who have it sold as the revolution of micro journalism Duepuntozero . Thou hast believed more reliable release that are not us users. The basic impression is that that golden mythology that has arisen in recent years about Twitter is being gradually deflating. You do not need some kind of social media pundits to realize that on large numbers has become a kind of global public chat. Chatter in the pure state.Fertile ground for battutari serial and jabs at political turn to show off with some screenshots on Facebook. I'm not saying it's wrong. It 's just a fact.
Not relegated to a marginal issue to the people who one chooses to follow.You are totally out of the way because restringereste the scope to a niche subject that constitutes a non-representative sample of all users, losing sight of the overall trend. That then Twitter will serve to inform, I'll pose the question in another way. Reviving mostly what we all read in the popular online newspaper, perhaps, does not mean just "making news" in the strictest sense of the term.

The great revolution in 140 characters has not caught on. And maybe Twitter in practice is only a wasted opportunity.
Post By : Chhoy Dany


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