Thursday, November 21, 2013

Apple: record sales for iPhone 5S E5C. Estimates revenues of $ 37 billion

Tim Cook, Apple's CEO
The story is always the same. Every time Apple introduces a new model of iPhone is a salvo of ruthless criticism regularly denied by the facts. The sales of the new iPhone 5S and 5C have exceeded 9 million units in the first launch weekend, recording a new record.
The stocks of the new Apple smartphone were pulverized in a matter of hours. The iPhone 5S "Gold" is virtually impossible to find. Tim Cook said that the market response to the new iPhone has been "incredible" , above expectations and are working to ensure that enough units available to ensure the request.
The Security Excange Commission has today revised upwards its forecast of the results of Apple for the next quarter. According to the company revenues should be around 37 billion dollars and profits exceed the initial estimates of 37%.
Meanwhile, last week Tim Cook has landed on Twitter with the account @ tim_cook that in a few hours has exceeded 237 thousand followers. Apple CEO turned his first message to the customers of the Apple Store in Palo Alto:
"Visited Retail Stores in Palo Alto today. Seeing so many happy customers reminds us of why we do what we do. "
By : Chhoy Dany


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