Monday, November 25, 2013

Earthquake Updates Fall first heads after the scandal of the false statements on the HP CEO Scott Thompson

The head of Patty Hart, head of research that led to the selection of Scott Thompson has fallen a few hours ago. And maybe it is just the beginning of a chain reaction within the Yahoo! board after the scandal of fake CV Thompson.

Scott Thompson, former CEO of Yahoo!
The story deserves some attention. To understand it all goes traced from the beginning. That recently passed Yahoo! does no good if the deal is known to everyone. In 2009, the board had invited the founder Jerry Young to kindly put aside. Its management in the role of CEO was simply disastrous. A mix of lack of innovation and poor choices that led to the brink Yahoo!.
In its place, the members of the board had lowered the ace appointed Carol Bartz as CEO. Iron Lady, former CEO of Autodesk, a member of various boards of directors of Intel to Cisco. Mica by a little. Just to let you know what stuff we are talking about, Michael Arrington (founder of TechCrunh), during an interview that he had teased the wrong way, had reserved a garbatissimo "fuck you" abandoning their chat in half. Imagine it as well as she turns on her heel and gives the middle finger to his interlocutor inviting him to stick it in there.
Despite expectations, management Bartz did not shine more than that of Yang. The cure was worse than the disease. They say that in the two years at the helm of the giant of the web, the Bratz have done more damage than a hail storm in late spring. Someone took pity to pull the plug. On 6 September 2011, the iron lady received a phone call. The communicated at point-blank that she had been fired. Malicious say "fucking". The official versions, as you know, never coincide with the reality.
After a brief interim the board saw the light. Found in Scott Thompson, president of PayPal, the ideal candidate for the leadership of Yahoo! things would have turned out perfectly. If your curriculum vitae, the brilliant Scott had no false statement.
At the time of the appointment of Thompson many insiders had not taken it well. The new CEO did not convince. Not because he was incapable.Simply because someone would have preferred piazzarci a longtime friend.
're called games of strength. In spite of what some people believe, these things do not happen only in Italy. They say that someone named CEO had taken ill. They say that anyone had ever asked this underhand pass to X-ray the entire life of Scott to find every little crack helpful to open a chasm that could swallow.
The Americans know their stuff. If they want to kill you know how to do it without causing side effects. Let alone put in a poor cross Christ. A few days ago the curriculum Thompson arrived on the desk of someone this. A file with the word "TOP SECRET" and two or three lines highlighted in yellow. Two degrees. A never achieved. As in the comics: BOOOOOOOOM!!

First came the denials. Then he turned to all apologies to the person concerned that he dismissed the matter as a mere clerical error. Following an investigation was initiated to clarify the fuss that was unleashed. The hounds affairs have sgam that someone knew. The clean up has just begun. The head of Patty Hart, head of research that led to the selection of Scott Thompson, has fallen a few hours ago. They say why he wanted to concentrate on other matters relating to his role as CEO of International Game Technology. They say. The official versions, as you may have guessed, never coincide with the reality.

Post By: Chhoy Dany


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