Monday, November 25, 2013

Microsoft was born 38 years ago and marked the beginning of the revolution of modern computing

The insight that changed the destiny of computer science. Bill Gates, in 1975:"In the future I see a computer on every desk and in every home one" .

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft
It seems that the story sometimes has the strange coincidences. On 1 April 1976 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple Corporation . A year earlier, April 4, 1975, another historical couple had founded the "Microsoft Corporation" . They were Paul Allenand Bill Gates . In subsequent years, first with MS-DOS and then Windows would forever change the computing consumer, becoming the pioneers of the PC revolution home.At the time, Gates was twenty. Paul Allen's twenty-two. "In the future I see a computer on every desk and one in every home," Gates argued in 1975. Only a fool or a visionary at the time could have imagined the overwhelming impact that would have had the widespread use of computers in our society. Many did not believe him. We all know how that turned out.

After two decades of rapid growth and expansion, from the late nineties onwards, Microsoft has begun to lose some of its appeal. In July last year, an article appeared in Vanity Fair that has had an enormous resonance accused the wretched management of the Redmond company by the current CEO, Steve Ballmer , speaking of lost decade . The recent flop in sales of Microsoft Surface and inexcusable delay in the market for smartphone operating systems have recently rekindled the controversy.Just a few days ago an article appeared on BusinessInsider citing a Gartner report that Microsoft could become completely irrelevant in the next four years. The future might not shine like they used to and remember the past makes this event a little 'less bitter.
Post By: Chhoy Dany


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