Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The political ambitions of Zuckerberg: "we are rich and we check the information channels of mass"

Mark Zuckerberg and other big Silicon Valley play the political card. With a first slip.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, with the President of the United States.
There is a confidential document ended up in the hands of the newspaper Politico that at this time is doing a lot to discuss its language considered arrogant and presumptuous. What is reported in the text casts a shadow on the political ambitions of Mark Zuckerberg and many of his fellow fortune.
For the whole history we must go back a few weeks ago when Mark Zuckerberg presented the project of a political group made ​​up of many characters of the hi-tech Silicon Valley. Among the subscribers includeJack Dorsey (founder of Twitter), Reid Hoffman (co-founder of Linkedin), Reed Hastings (Netflix founder), Kevin Systrom (Instagram founder) and Mark Pincus (founder of Zynga).
In a section titled "Our Assets" lists the three main reasons why people like them are a "power politics" of the USA. The text reads:
"1. We have full control of the channels of mass media, both as a company and as individuals, 2. Our voice has a huge weight because they are very popular among Americans, 3. In our group there are people with a lot of money. If all this is used correctly it can have a huge influence. "
A few days ago Jack Dorsey had expressed his political interests even presenting itself as a possible candidate for mayor of New York.
The group should work according to rumors, later denied by the name of "Human Capital" has the purpose of representing the vision and interests dell'industri hi-tech on the American political scene. The first objective is to support immigration reform to ensure arrival in the United States for people with high potential thus making the U.S. a pool of technological expertise unmatched in the world.

Given what has just transpired somehow doubt that, beyond the good intentions, there's more naturally.


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