Monday, November 25, 2013

Microsoft's Bill Gates: 'iPad users prefer Surface »

According to the founder of Microsoft Surface Apple users prefer the iPad. Too bad that the sales of Surface stenting to take off.

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft
That all the wrongs Bill Gates do not have them, we riconoscerglielo. What the iPad compared to a classic handset is very restrictive is a fact. It is true that Steve Jobs had thought for anything but the tablet market and not much could be expected. But the appetite comes with eating. The touch screen at the end c'abbiamo taken a liking. And the idea of having a hybrid PC with the functionality of a desktop and the versatility of a tablet is not really bad.Microsoft with Windows 8 and Surface tried to take the leap. The result is not convinced either.
Windows 8 seems to take off starvation and according to the latest data released by IDC , in the first quarter of 2013, Microsoft has just sold 900 thousand tablets between RT and Surface Surface PRO. During the same period, Apple sold 19.5 million iPads. Samsung 8.8 million. Asus 2.7 and 1.8 million Amazon. For Microsoft, the accounts in hand, it's not really a great success. Corresponds to about 1, 8% market share globally.
In a recent interview with CNBC's Bill Gates said:
"Many users are frustrated by the iPad. They can not create documents. I do not have access to Office. Surface're providing users with something that can bring them the same benefits of a tablet without sacrificing what they expect from a PC. "
The purpose is more than reasonable. It is putting into practice that may have encountered some catch. Surface is a good product. It has, however, suffered the effects of a delay in the marketing and distribution of a bad.The price then, is not so user friendly compared to that of an iPad even if you have to admit that the features for PRO versions are far superior to those of the Apple tablet.

Despite this, however, the appeal to potential buyers remains low.Microsoft would spend for the marketing campaign produced some 1.5 billion dollars. Enormous compared to the results obtained. Perhaps a more mature surface will be able to convince most of the market. Or, what is the situation, and tablet PCs will continue to embody both worlds with different needs, are difficult to reconcile.
Post By: Chhoy Dany


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