Monday, November 25, 2013

News for Google+ "now you can call anyone with the Hangout."

Google adds new features to Google+. Despite the efforts, however, the social network in Mountain View sluggish.

Vic Gundotra, Senior Vice President of Engineering division of Google.
Google has just announced the introduction of an important new concerns that Google+, the social network in Mountain View. From today the Hangout (called Hangouts) allow you to call any phone number.
"In some cases it happens that you would like to invite someone to join a Hangout" writes Jordanna Chord by his Google+ profile, "which, however, could not be at the computer or do not have an internet connection available at that time. Now you can call him at his phone number directly in the Hangout feature of Google+. "
The calls in the U.S. and Canada are free, and international deals instead at a rate "super low". The upgrade of the profiles will be gradual and the new feature will be activated by clicking on the "+ telephone" the Hangout.
Going back a couple of years, Mark Zuckerberg in 2011, has tried to launch the video call within Facebook chat. Despite expectations were high, the functionality, unlike the Hangout Google+ has received a timid reception. Remains unchallenged dominance of Facebook in the social networking market.According to a recent surveyappeared in Time, users spend an average of 405 minutes per month on Facebook versus just 3 minutes on Google+ that despite the continued efforts of Google still struggling to achieve adequate mass adoption.
Post By : Chhoy Dany


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