Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The jackals of the social network

By exploiting the image of famous people or events of immediate media coverage build Facebook pages that refer to the contents or external sites.Making pay handsomely. That's who are the modern jackals of the network.

Massimo Troisi
They are the jackalsof social networks.They are individuals or companies who, riding the wave of emotional events of great media coverage, profit from unscrupulous improperly exploiting the image of certain people or specific events.
To understand how this thriving market you have to make a short introduction. Facebook pages that have hundreds of thousands of fans are little gold mines. The visibility at the time of the network is expensive. And if you have it you can resell the form of advertising. Collect a large fan base on one page, however, is not at all easy. Unless you're a celebrity. And if you're not, you can always impersonate him. Then, if the character in question is passed to a better life boom is guaranteed.

The purpose of the facade of these pages is to keep alive the memory of the person to whom they are dedicated. They are able to reach millions of fans.Viewed this way it would be all very noble. If it were not that between an update and the other posts that appear more and more often with the character in question has nothing to do anything. A few hours ago on the page dedicated to Massimo Troisi , who has 1.1 million fans, appeared thisrenovation that will take you to an external site with Troisi and that has very little to do. The question is why?


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