Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Facebook unveils home, but do not call it "Facebook Phone"

No terminal weblog Facebook. Confirmed the rumors of the last few hours.Only a launcher for Android and a modest HTC smartphones. 

Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook during the presentation of the Home
In the end it went as it should go. None if it is taken too much though maybe you could hope for something more. Zuckerberg at the bottom was always clear on the subject: "no plan For That" .There is not and there will be no Facebook Phone .No direct competitor of the iPhone 5 or the Galaxy S4 or any other smartphone on the market.Nothing. Nothing like this weblog Facebook.
During the presentation, which ended recently Mark has revealed nothing more than a family of applications for Android devices. A screen calledHome with a whole host of features that put the user at the center of the smartphone. In practice, what in jargon is called "launcher" . Capiamoci.The trick only applies to Android. Why iOS imagine if you can do as you please.
Coming Home , the paradigm of classic screen applications has been turned upside down. The user first. The "App" in some way, are hidden, relegated to a secondary role. As if to say, we know that two hundred apps downloaded on average, with regularity, if you use three or four. And Facebook makes it to grand master.
The aim of the move is just one. Keep as much as possible so users will not glued to your smartphone as Facebook. Not enough notifications. We need a steady and continuous flow of information that it maintains active connections with our friends on the social network seamlessly. The trivial, the more hours spent on social networks by users mean more ability to attract advertising investment.
A curiosity. While presenting Home , Zuckerberg was sweating like a kangaroo in the middle of the desert. I wonder if he was wondering how we would have taken us, after rumors stellar in recent days. In the end it could be worse. And let's face it all, it was not bad. Wall Street reacted almost with indifference to today's announcement. It has neither rewarded nor punished Facebook. Trade on the Nasdaq in these minutes scored a weak 0.78%.

I forgot. Towards the end he made ​​an appearance on stage lightning Peter Chou , CEO of HTC. He was holding the HTC first, the first Android smartphone that will mount the native interface "Home" on Facebook. He talked about yes and no for thirty seconds. It did not seem much pleased.Maybe he was wondering what he was doing there and if that terminal then there was such a great need. For Home Instead, there remains only the curiosity to try it. Just an Android device of the newer ones and wait for April 14.
Post By: Chhoy Dany


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