Monday, November 25, 2013

The offensive in Google comes from Russia and China

Google is struggling in Russia and can not penetrate the Chinese market.Yandex and Baidu retain the leadership of the online search in these countries.

Arkadi Volozh, CEO of Yandex.
To read some numbers does almost no effect. Because one does not expect it or maybe just do not think about considering leadership as a matter of fact. But the surprises lurk just around the corner.
Google, synonymous with online search, it is the undisputed leader in the way everywhere. In the past years several attempts to offer an alternative to the search engine of Mountain View are shipwrecked in a stalemate.Wanting to be "patriotic", we Italians have tried (so to speak) to challenge the giant before with Volunia , then iStella . The first project failed after one month from the presentation. The second it was discussed for a couple of weeks behind the launch. Then the total silence. According to the latest data released by comScore in January 2013, Google owns 67% share of the online search market. In second place Microsoft Bing reeling with a more modest 16.5%.
The only competitor who can keep up with the creature by Larry Page and Sergey Brin are the Russians in Yandex and Chinese in Baidu . Russia and China against the United States. It seems almost a deployment from the Cold War, with the Americans, this time forced to give ground before the advance of the Soviet bloc and China.

Yandex is the most used search engine in Russia. The region has a market share of 62% compared with 26% of Google. Baidu instead, in the Chinese region, probably thanks to the filters of censorship, nearly 79% while Google remains nailed to a paltry 16.7% . Just to realize orders of magnitude, China's population stood at around 1.34 billion people, with538 million users connected to the grid. Twice those of North America. A user base too appetizing. On which Google will never put hand.

Post By: Chhoy Dany


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