Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Interview with Tim Cook: between frustration and "amazing new products»

Among actions that sink, lack of new products and rumors of a possible ouster from the chair higher than Cupertino.

Tim Cook in an interview with the river during the All Thing Digital Conference speaks to the whole range of Apple and announces "amazing new products."
He appeared calm. How to ensure all investors and customers, not to worry. Everything is under control. From the stage of the All Thing Digital Conference yesterday, Tim Cook has tried to calm the air heavy with pulling around Apple.
No new products announced by October 2012.Shares in free fall of 27%. ICs were $ 701.92 in September. Today is traded on the square to $ 441 .Little innovation in the last two years. A company who lives annuity still serving the indelible presence of Steve Jobs that hovers over the entire range of products available. The comparisons between old and new abound. Cook comes out massacred. Yet it is thanks to the management Cook that Apple has achieved some of its most significant historical milestones.
Yesterday Tim Cook has tried to silence the gossips. He chased rumors that he would give close by jumping from the command chair of Cupertino from time to time and would point out that Jonathan Ive as his natural successor. Cook has repeatedly said that Apple is once again ready to revolutionize everything. "We have amazing new products in the pipeline,"and insisted on the importance of television and wearable devices such as areas of interest from Apple.
"What we do is to focus exclusively on products. If we do it the right way, if we make great products that enrich people's lives, everything else will happen as a result. "
The scope of the wearable device is one of the most interesting that Apple is exploring. The items on the ' iWatch back repeatedly the limelight. But forget about something similar to Google Glass. Cook has shown several concerns about the kind of technology: "it will be difficult to become mainstream" . Cook then reiterated that television is another area of interest that Apple has sold more than 13 million units of the Apple TV, far exceeding even the most optimistic internal expectations.
He concluded by talking about the collapse of the shares in recent months , "it was frustrating for investors and for us all" , then to show a bit of pride and final say little worried about the trend of shaky market. After all , "it has already happened" . Finally a reference to Steve Jobs. Cook remarked managerial differences with his predecessor but reiterated a strong sense of continuity with the past, "the internal culture of Apple is still the same. The vision of the most important things remaining the same. " In short, Apple's always the same.


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