Sunday, November 24, 2013

Summly and the other side of the story behind the purchase millionaire Yahoo!

The story of Nick D'Aloisio: Is there any truth behind the story of the "little genius" of Summly sold to Yahoo for $ 30 million.

Nick D'Aloisio, 17 years. Founder, Summly, an iPhone app acquired by Yahoo! for $ 30 million.
Many have heard of Summly . It 'an app for iOS based on an artificial intelligence engine that automatically extracts from a very long text is a summary of sense in just 400 characters. The founder is Nick D'Aloisio , 17 years.
When in March Summly Yahoo! bought for $ 30 million, the international press has shouted yet another miracle birth of fervent mythology that has developed around the technology startups. The basic requirements in order for a story like that makes a noise and take root in public opinion are always the same. A garage, a little boy with so much optimism, an app that any do something (no matter what) and especially a mountain of green bucks, the result of a sale to some of the Web giant, to crown the happy ending of the story.
Purchase of Summly has not been told everything. Or maybe the whole thing have it sold edulcorando the pill just enough to give him a certain aura of mysticism useful for completely different purposes. The crisis bites even on the other side of the ocean. The technology startups are no longer the goose that lays the golden eggs as many have tried to make us believe.Burn large amounts of capital. The return is never granted. The bubbles are born in America and explode with devastating effect in the world. But until you hear a bang to the moon, it is necessary that the "system" continues to pretend that everything is going as if nothing had happened.
The young Nick D'Aloisio is always mentioned with the surname of the mother. But in fact the full name of the little genius is Nicholas D'Aloisio Montilla. The father of the boy is Lou Montilla . And ' vice president ofcommodities trading business of Morgan Stanley.
The technology of artificial intelligence upon which Summly not invented D'Aloisio. It 'owned by SRI International , a colossus who work in research and development, who just happens "has worked closely with the team of Summly to create the application" . If you missed the video presentation of Summly circulating on the web, D'Aloisio appears next to a gentleman who maybe in a few you recognize. And ' Stephen Fry , popular actor best known in England which, incidentally, has also invested in Summly.
If all this were not enough to resize the miracle of the small D'Aloisio there's more. Much more. Prior to orbit the galaxy Yahoo!, behind Summly was already Horizon Ventures , a giant that operates in the U.S. venture capital industry for twenty years. And among the angels investors and advisors of Summly far unknown characters include: Aviv Nevo (venture capitalists and major shareholder of Time Warner),Joshua Kushner (founder of the investment firm Thrive Capital), Matt Mullenweg (founder of WordPress), Joanna Shields (CEO of Tech City Investment Organization), Mark Pincus (founder of Zynga), Brian Chesky (Airbnb CEO), Shakil Khan (head of special projects at Spotify),Troy Carter (CEO of Coalition Media Group) , Ashton Kutcher (for gossip lovers, ex-husband of Demi Moore, but also investor), Yoko Ono(yes - you read that right - Yoko Ono, the wife of John Lennon century) and many others. In short, this "garage" , it was quite busy. The company of those who at seventeen years old are not drinking orange juice in the locker room of the football school in the country.
A look at the page of the ' Executive Team of Summly and here catches your eye prominent names. From the Chairman, Bart Swanson who previously held the position of managing director of EMI Music, COO of Badoo, executive Amazon and a lot more.
Translated into practical terms means that Summly there were some capital and channels to gain visibility. Summly seems to be not so much just the sensational story that we've all heard. What has developed this little genius D'Aloisio if, according to what is stated on the website, the heart of the application has been produced by CSR and development for iOS was followed by Somo Group and Caffeinehit is a mystery of faith. Someone has also ironically called the "Kim Kardashian of the geek world" .
If you're wondering why Yahoo! has spent $ 30 million for Summly, perhaps the answer may be simple. Yahoo! is sinking into a quagmire.Marissa Mayer is trying all the to revive the faded image of the portal.Acquire Summly has been more of an image than substance. As if to say, we are still able to make investments. A garage, a boy and $ 30 million, of which 90% is paid in cash. The miracle of the American dream that is renewed in the same way as always. It 's time to start believing a little' less.


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