Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Microsoft is working on a prototype alternative to Google Glass

Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google with the Google Glass.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Microsoft is working on a prototype of glasses similar to Glass by Google. This was revealed by an anonymous source inside the company, which would be familiar with the project. The initiative highlights the progressive and controversial effort in the evolution of Microsoft from a company that produces essentially a software that also manufactures hardware devices.
After buying Nokia for $ 7 billion and the launch of the second generation of Surface, wearable gadgets represent the next frontier of Microsoft.According to a recent study by ABI Research sales of so-called wearable devices represent a market share of appetizing part of the technological gadgets that will reach 485 million units by 2018.
While the rooms waiting for Google Glass that should arrive in the second half of 2014, according to the source, it is said that the glasses of Microsoft reach mass production.


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