Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The new Nexus 7: Review and impressions of Use

The new Google Nexus 7.
When in September of last year I bought the first generation of the Nexus 7 , the immediate impression was to get your hands on a great product. A good compromise between price, performance, a nice design and much more. And 'Just play around a bit', and not ten minutes after I had pulled out of the box, began to show the first signs of a realization that a little careful of the first impression left very little. The screen on the left side appeared detached from the plastic shell. The effect was that of an annoying up and down every time pigiavo with a finger on its surface. Recharging the battery often did not work. At one point he stopped to turn on the device. The Asus support was a nightmare . Since September, I managed to solve the issue in January. It 'went ahead with numerous defects until the beginning of June. Then he stopped to light and became a kind of relic that I keep in my desk drawer. A real shame. Because the first version of the Nexus 7, net of these unpleasant, too many problems, it was the best Android tablet available.
Comparison: iPad mini, new Nexus 7 and the first version of the Nexus 7. Compared to the first version, the new Nexus 7 is thinner and the screen extremely sharper.
When a few weeks ago I was lucky enough to have a preview of the new version of the Nexus 7 was a bit 'skeptical. But after days of intense use, any doubt was completely gone. The feeling that Google and Asus have made a huge step forward compared to the previous generation is palpable in every aspect.
The tablet is thin and lightweight, weighing just 290 grams compared with 331 for an iPad Mini. The design is very nice, much more elegant than that of the most popular Android tablet Samsung from the heart. The handle with one hand is solid and practical. Then just turn it on to realize that the 7-inch full HD screen is without a doubt one of the greatest strengths of this nexus. Bright colors very deep, well balanced and the sharpness that has nothing to envy to the retina display of iPad. The pixel density makes text, even when the characters are of very small size, perfectly legible without blurring or smearing around the edges of the letters.
If you love the books, even for its elongated shape, is the most suitable device to enjoy quiet reading. It is however always the usual recommendation that afflicts all the devices out there that have a glossy screen: If you are outside, with plenty of light, instead of the screen, the only thing that will be able to see your face reflected above.
The performances are excellent. The quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and 2 GB of RAM work like a dream. The interactions are fluid, the imperceptible latency. The rated service life of the battery is about 11.5 hours. Using it continuously with a wi-fi enabled I noticed not exceed seven. With the games, especially those that require resources to the graphics card, the duration would be reduced by about four hours.

The rear camera 5 megapixel not convincing. It certainly is an element to be improved. The photos are often overexposed or too much background noise.
The new Nexus 7 was equipped with a 5 megapixel rear camera instead that it was not present in the first generation. The quality of photos is not no big deal. The colors look very saturated, overexposed pictures in normal lighting conditions, and with too much background noise in indoor low light.
The Wi-Fi only version with 16 GB of memory costs 229 euro rising to269 if you buy the model with 32 GB. The model with 4G/LTE mobile connection costs about 349 Euros .
Ultimately this Nexus 7 is one of the best Android tablet on the market.Practical, beautiful to look at and pleasant to use. An excellent compromise between price, quality of construction materials and performance. The integration with Google services is excellent. Compared to the iPad mini is a very respectable product that is worth a try and carefully consider as an alternative to Apple. How to vote, a full 9.


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