Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The anger of investors against Facebook, "The IPO? A disaster »

Growing discontent of investors. In one year, burned 37% of the capital invested.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook
little over a year ago had left shot, with the most impressive public offer (IPO) in American history, finishing in first place in the rankings, followed by Visa and General Motors. Thirteen months later, investors would remember with some discomfort right in the face unshaven, all smiles, Mark Zuckerberg that the headquarters of the Nasdaq in New York sounded amused the bell to kick off the trade of the day. Too bad that after months of fun and exciting there is little left.
Facebook shares have begun to lose value right away. In September they reached the bottom of the 17 dollars. In May this year had recovered to 28.Today, after a steady downward trend in the last two months, slipping to 23 dollars.
With the Facebook IPO has picked up the beauty of $ 16 billion. Too bad that investors large and small we have recovered more than 37% of capital spent to buy the shares of gold that turned out to be instead of the fake stuff. A huge speculation in respect of the classic American tradition of creative financing.
For landing on an exchange, Morgan Stanley estimated Facebook 107 times more than the social network had gained in the last 12 months. A few days before the IPO, the investment bank increased by 25% the number of shares available alzandone the same price. The accounts if they are well made. Given the hype around social networks, someone must have thought that the pump action and the price more than reasonable limits could easily attract a lot of investors. It's called strategy "hit and run". Hit and run. If the architects well, in general, in many bite. You take home a lot of money and leave investors in their underwear.
Bloomberg today reported some details of the first meeting that Facebook has recently had with shareolder. Many have kept silent their frustration.Someone has cut short: "it was a disaster!» . Someone else asked , "I would like to know if you have some strategy to make up the price of shares in a not too distant future" .

Zuckerberg in the crossfire gave the usual answer that now struggles to repeat for months, to dampen the controversy: "We are creating a network that is gaining in value every day in the world and we believe that by doing so, in the long run will create the best possible value for our shareholders. " It will be. In the last week the shares have slipped another 13.81%.


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